Global Distributor of

Electronic Components

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A Leading Distributor

of  Electronic Components

Eptix Inc. is a leading distributor of electronic components, providing electrical, electro-mechanical and Industrial products. We have over 50 years of comprehensive experience and established relationships amongst a vast network of agents and suppliers worldwide.

We promote mutual success as we deliver cost-effective solutions to all your electronic needs without sacrificing quality, technology or on-time delivery. Our elite supplier base, in turn, benefits you- the Eptix customer.

We are a strategic partner and the largest independent stocking distributor of electronic components providing supply chain solutions, financial and inventory strategies for supply chain professionals in the aerospace, military, defense and medical industries in the US and around the world.

Our team of industry experts and financial analysts work tirelessly to develop scalable strategies and manufacturing forecasts that address both the market trends and lifecycle conditions to provide a solution set that solves our customer’s mission-critical issues. As strategic partners, we source certifiable products and engineer innovative solutions that provide superior performance and that meet all stringent quality control measures.


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