CARLO GAVAZZImoni46156792019-05-31T08:55:02-04:00
Automation components
Eptix Electronics Inc. is an authorized distributor for:
Carlo Gavazzi manufactures, markets, and sells a broad range of products for industrial automation, energy, renewable energy and building automation.
Please feel free to inquire on any of the products listed below:
- Captive Sensors
- Contactors and Overloads
- Counters
- Current/voltage/Phase Monitors
- Current Transformers
- Digital Panel Meters
- Drives
- Dupline
- Energy/Renewable Energy
- Environmental and Wind Sensors
- Inductive Sensors
- Level Controls
- Limit and Safety switches
- Magnetic Sensors
- Photoelectric Sensors
- Power supplies
- Push Button and Switches
- Radar and Specialty Sensors
- Relays – Mechanical
- Solid State Relays
- Safety Light Curtains
- Safety Magnetic Switches
- Safety Modules
- Soft Starters
- Temperature Controls
- Timers
- Ultrasonic Sensors
Please visit for more information or call us